Norton High School
Margaret Brazeau Miller
(508) 285-0160 ext. 5212
Norton Middle School
Tricia George
(508) 285-0100 ext. 5322
Henri A. Yelle Elementary
Kathryn Pendergast
(508) 285-0100 ext. 5320
J.C. Solmonese Elementary
Erin Corkery
(508) 285-0100 ext. 5321
L.G. Nourse Elementary
Courtney Pacheco
(508) 285-0100 ext. 5323
Please be sure that all medical forms, including immunization records, physicals and other doctor's notes are labelled with your childs name and date of birth. To maintain confidentiality, it is advised that you send all medical documents to school in a sealed envelope which is addressed to the school nurse.
The school nurse is willing and able to give medications during school under the following guidelines:
Subsitute Nurses are always needed for the five schools. Subbing is a great way to work during the school day while your children are at school. If you are interested, please contact Doreen Browne, District Lead Nurse, at 508-285-0167 for further information.