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Student Registration

Welcome to the Norton Public Schools registration portal. We have transitioned to a new Student Information System, and the registration process will vary depending on your student’s year of enrollment.

  • Kindergarten Registration for the 2025-2026 School Year is now open!
  • Join us on March 10th for an orientation for parents/guardians of incoming Kindergarten students at 6:30 pm at J. C. Solmonese and L. G. Nourse.
  • Families registering students in Preschool, please use the registration packets linked in the folders below.

To begin the registration process, please gather the required documents listed below. 

  • Proof of Residency (ONE of the following documents):
    • Utility Bill
    • Real Estate Tax Bill
    • Signed Purchase and Sale (occupancy must take place within sixty (60) days)
  • Birth Certificate
  • Copy of the most recent Health Record within the last year, including immunizations from the physician.
  • Legal court documentation of guardianship (if applicable)- If divorced or separated, you will need to show legal or official court documentation indicating that you are the custodial parent and have physical custody of your child. 
  • Parent/Guardian Photo Identification (copy of license) 
  • Transcripts and/or last report card (if applicable)
  • Discipline and/or attendance Record (if applicable)
  • A copy of current 504/IEP plan (if applicable)

All documents must be uploaded as a readable pdf or png (picture format) to complete the registration process. 

Student Registration

Appropriate documentation is required to register a student, however, if you are experiencing homelessness or you are a military family, please contact us to discuss how we can assist you.

Please use the links below for further information

Homeless Assistance

Military Family Information

Preschool/Kindergarten Registration Information

  • Kindergarten registration for the 2025-2026 school year opened on March 10th.
    Parent/Guardian Orientations at JCS and LGN March 10, 6:30 pm

    To be eligible to enter Kindergarten in the Fall of 2025, children must turn 5 on or before August 31, 2025. (DOB on or before 08/31/2020) 
    This registration is for Norton residents or siblings of current school choice students only.

    Families enrolling Kindergarten students must complete a pre-registration form to begin the process. A separate form must be completed for each child. Once the pre-registration form has been submitted, it will be sent to a staff member for approval. Then families will receive an email with instructions to complete the registration process. If you need assistance with the registration process, please call 508-285-0100 or email Laurie Czazasty at to schedule an appointment.

    A flyer for Kindergarten registration at Norton Public Schools, with details about the registration process, deadlines, and contact information for the schools.

  • Thank you for your interest in the Little Lancers Preschool!  We are currently gearing up for the 2025-2026 school year, and we are excited to share our timeline for Community Peer Student enrollment with families:

    • December 16, 2024: Application process begins for current students

    • January 13, 2025: Application process begins for new students

    • February 14, 2025: Application process ends and screening process begins

    • February 24, March 3, March 10, 2025: Individual screening sessions for new students

    • March 24, 2025 : Acceptance letters sent to families

    • April 25, 2025: First month deposit due to secure spot 

    • Week of August 18, 2025: Teacher placements sent out electronically

    Please call Maria Blackburn, Early Childhood Coordinator for information at: (508) 285-0129 or email at


    Community Peers must reside in Norton, MA, need to be age 3 or 4 by August 31, 2025, and must be toilet trained.