Family Newsletter | February 7, 2025
Dr. Jennifer O'Neill @joneill727
Superintendent’s Message
I’ll say what we are all thinking- yesterday’s storm was a BUST! Further down in the newsletter, I am re-sharing with you all our process for making decisions on school closings. Ultimately, I work closely with Wade Lizotte, our Director of Facilities, and the town departments to look at the timing of the storm and the implications of getting our students and staff to and from school safely. We make the best decision we can with the information we have at the time the call needs to be made. Thank you for your support and understanding. The safety of our students and staff is always our top priority. The last day of school will now be Tuesday, June 17th.
NPS Strategic Planning - Your Input Needed!
I am excited to share that our district is developing a new Strategic Plan to guide the future of our schools. Similar to our current Vision 2026, the final plan will serve as a blueprint for all initiatives, priorities, and budgeting over the next three years. Most importantly, this plan will continue to strive to bring a bold vision about learning in a modern context and giving our students what they really need to be successful in an ever-changing world.
We strongly believe that family and community involvement is key to building a vision that reflects the needs of all students. We will be looking for the voices of all stakeholders- staff, students, parents, administrators, and community members- to contribute to this important process through focus groups, survey feedback, and/or serving on the Strategic Planning Committee.
Please take a few moments to share what you believe Norton Public Schools is doing well and what we can improve on as we begin this process. Tell us your hopes and dreams for your students and how we as a school community can develop a plan that will provide a quality educational experience. As part of this survey, you can also sign up to be a part of an upcoming focus group or to be a part of the Strategic Planning Committee. This survey will be open until Sunday, February 23rd.
NPS Strategic Plan Survey
Reminder about Inclement Weather Procedures
It is that time of year when, once again, we need to stay advised of weather forecasts and the potential impact on whether to cancel or delay school. Like weather forecasting, the school closing-decision process is not a perfect science. However, it is important for families to understand how it works. Please see the frequently asked questions below.
Who makes the decision about whether or not to close school? The Superintendent of Schools, in consultation with the Director of Facilities, Norton DPW, and Norton Police officials make the final decision. The goal is to make an announcement by 6:00 AM or earlier whenever possible. We understand that if made later, families have little time to make arrangements for childcare, and some school district staff may have already left for work.
What information is gathered to aid in the decision? There are multiple factors used in deciding whether or not to close school: road conditions, snow accumulation predictions, building conditions such as electricity and heat, parking lot conditions, air temperature and wind chill, and estimated times from the Norton DPW as to when roads, walkways, and parking lots will be cleared of snow and ice.
How are days made-up? As per State regulations, students must attend school for a minimum of 180 days and the school year must end by June 30. If school is closed due to weather, the day will be made-up at the end of the school year.
How do power outages affect the decision? Inclement weather can affect the timeline for utility companies to restore electricity. If all school buildings have electricity, the goal will be to open schools. Other factors also influence the decision, including whether a number of neighborhoods are without power.
What is a delayed opening? Rather than close school for a whole day due to short-term weather situations, there may be days when the beginning of school will be delayed one hour, ninety minutes, or two hours. School will simply start later by the length of the delay. Bus pickup, therefore, will also occur later. For example, if your child is normally picked up at 8:30am, during a one hour delayed opening they will be picked up at 9:30am. Lunch will still be available and dismissal will be at the regularly scheduled times.
How is the public notified? In the event of a school closing or delay, families and staff will be notified through Parent Square via email, text and phone call. Please be advised, depending upon the severity of the storm, school and district administration offices may also be closed in addition to canceling classes for students.
What are parents/guardian responsibilities? The safety of your child is paramount. On days when weather conditions are questionable, but school remains open, parents are free to exercise discretion and keep children home from school. Parents of young drivers are asked to reinforce winter weather driving skills: allowing extra travel time, reducing speed, and not worrying about being late. |
2025-2026 School Calendar Approved
The 2025-2026 school calendar has been approved by the School Committee. This marks an important step in preparing for the upcoming school year. We will be adding early release dates for professional development throughout the year, which will be shared with all families by the end of March. Stay tuned for further updates.
Middle School Dialogue Divas
This fall, inspired by the enthusiasm of several students following the book fair, Mrs. Del Hall, 8th Grade Math Teacher, launched a book club designed for students looking for a deeper intellectual and social experience outside the classroom.
The group, now self-named the Dialogue Divas, centered their first discussion around the classic novel Little Women by Louisa May Alcott engaging in insightful conversations and a special gathering to enjoy the film adaptation of the beloved story. Since then they have moved on to reading a different book each month, engaging in conversations about the topics that are featured and sharing their thoughts, feelings and ideas in a welcoming setting. Last month, each student selected a cookbook to share with the group and participated in a feast of their favorite recipes during their meeting.
This week, the Dialogue Divas were invited to share their book club experiences with the School Committee. Book club members and Mrs. Hall recounted their experience with forming their group and their lively discussions sharing personal reflections and unique perspectives.
We look forward to hearing more from these inspiring readers and are grateful to Mrs. Hall for her willingness to provide an enriching and memorable experience for these students!
February 13th
Conferences - Norton High School
February 14th
Districtwide Early Release - Professional Development
February 17th - 21st
February Break - Schools Closed
February 26th
School Committee Meeting - Town Hall Crane Meeting Room
February 28th
Norton High School Term III Warning Notices
March 7th
Elementary Term II Marks Close
March 8th
School Committee Budget Workshop
Virtual Backpack NEED Bertucci's Fundraiser Norton Youth Baseball Softball Registration Little Wiffles Sign-Ups Norton Youth Soccer Spring Registration YMCA Youth Basketball League NFL Youth Football Camp Capron Park Zoo February Vacation Programs Camp Ramsbottom Registration Summer Science Academy Attleboro Arts Museum Summer Art Weeks & Classes College Gate/College Academy Summer S.T.E.M. Programs
To submit a flyer to the Virtual Backpack, please contact Pam Anderson at